Women's Worship Night
Friday, February 28, 2025
6:00 pm
We are meeting for our first ever all ladies worship night Friday, February 28th at 6 PM in the church! We'll start the evening off with a potluck dinner and then head over to the sanctuary for a time of prayer, worship, and healing. This is a great event to invite friends out for a meaningful night of closeness with each other and with the Lord! Please sign up in the lobby if you'd like to bring an entree, side, or dessert. Open to high school and up!
Revive Conference
Saturday, February 22, 2025
8:00 am
Join us at Northwest Christian Church in Newberg on February 22nd for an amazing women's conference focusing on making our faith unshakeable! Cost is $62 ($45 without lunch included). For more information and to sign up, please contact the church office or Amy Ruiz at her table in the lobby Sunday!